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英文说说(一)Live your life and come here on the road. 过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上。 Life is a pain in the neck. 生活很讨厌,还好我可爱。 You are a nearby lamp and a distant star river. 你是近处的灯火,也是遥远的星河。 Don't let the time break our youth. 不要让时间冲散我们的青春。 No longer afraid of loneliness, but also enjoy the company of others. 不再畏惧孤独,也享受有人相伴。 Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. 当你身处冰天雪地,你才懂得太阳的温暖。 I want to feel safe in a relationship with someone I like. 好想安全感爆棚地谈一次恋爱,和我喜欢的人。 The rest of your life is still long.余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照。 Butterflies break for flowers, but flowers fly in the wind! 蝴蝶为花碎,花却随风飞! It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.只要心里还存着不甘心,就还未到放弃的时候。 I've loved you for a long time I still like you. 我喜欢你已久,我喜欢你依旧。 Health care three thousand days less than the cold when a suit. 嘘寒问暖三千日,不及凉时一身衣。
By chance, I like you. 不期而遇,我喜欢你。 Some people don't belong to you, but it's good to meet them.有些人不属于你,但遇见了也挺好。 The autumn wind is cool and the sun is warm. 秋风生凉意,微阳暖人心。 He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how. 一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 Life is better than you think. 生活比你想象的要好。 The growth of wisdom may be gauged exactly by the diminution of ill temper. 坏脾气的消失,可以准确地反映智慧的增长。 The simplest little happiness is that miss you. 最简单的小幸福,就是你的一句想你了。 The years are not dead, the beginner's mind will not change, I still.岁月不枯,初心不死,我仍依旧。 The only good luck in my life is to meet you. 这辈子唯一的好运全部用来遇见你。 To lose the original self, nor to see us once, this is the reality.丢了最初的自己,也不见了曾经的我们,这就是现实。  英文说说(二)I will start fresh, be some one new. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。 Want to live well, also want to love a person well.想好好生活,也想好好爱一个人。 Hope is fire, disappointment is smoke, and life is smoke as it burns.希望是火,失望是烟,生活就是一边点火,一边冒烟。 May all the waiting, all not be let down.愿所有的等待,都不被辜负。 The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is missing you. 世界上最好的感觉就是知道有人在想你。 Aothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。 Your Name,It's the most beautiful love letter I've ever heard. 你的名字,是我听过最美的情书。 Save your heart for someone who cares. 把心留给在乎你的人吧。 Don't lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring.别失去希望,谁又能知道明天会有怎样的惊喜。 I am in love, and my book is full of love.我香已处在,爱河书满怀。 Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it.爱就像风一样,看不到,却能感觉到!
英文说说--那些欧美大范的模样 第2张
Write poems for you, stand still for you, do the impossible for you. Write the voices of lovers.为你写诗,为你静止,为你做不可能的事。 Everything about you is wonderful. To know you is a pity from heaven.你的一切都是妙不可言,与你相识是上天垂怜。 Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever..是谁赐我们遇见,却不一并赠我们永远。 I want to break through this piece of beauty, to find the unparalleled like heaven.我要闯这片绮丽,寻找像天堂般的无与伦比。 Work on it quietly. That's what you need to aim for right now. 悄悄地去努力吧,这才是你现在需要当作目标的事。 The most eternal happiness is the ordinary, the longest possession is cherished. 最永恒的幸福是平凡,最长久的拥有是珍惜。 Each with his own way of life,those are the right answers. 各有各的活法,那些都是正确答案。 Because you've lived in my heart, everything around me is full of your presence. 因为你住在的心里, 所以到处都是你。 A hug from you will make everything better. 你的一个拥抱就可以让一切都好起来。 I always concerned about you with the way you know and the way you don't know.我一直关心你,用一切你知道或者不知道的方式。 A very long sea of people you do not look back will not do. 岁月很长人海茫茫,你别回头也别将就。 I know you don't look up because of me, but I still can't help looking at you. 明知道你抬头不是因为我,可是我还是忍不住看你一眼。 Life doesn't have to be perfect, but to be wonderful. 人生不必完美,但必须精彩。 Only after many years, I grey-haired, face the old, you still hold my hands, the gentle slope. 只愿多年后,我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你仍牵我双手,倾世温柔。 Pamper yourself to put the first place, their happy world first.宠爱自己放首位,自己开心天下第一。 
标签:大范 欧美